

Dental veneers give us a fast way to eliminate so many flaws in a patient’s smile. They can be used to correct all of these problems:

  • Deeply darkened teeth that will not respond to whitening
  • Teeth marred by tetracycline staining or white spots from too much fluoride
  • Chipped teeth
  • Teeth that have been worn down by grinding
  • Unevenly shaped teeth or ones that are shorter than the others
  • Moderate gaps between the teeth
Perfect Your Smile with Veneers

A veneer is a thin shell of durable porcelain that is bonded to the front of a tooth and normally covers the tip as well. The procedure starts with a consultation between the patient and Dr. Lipson so the veneers can be designed in just the right way to enhance the smile. 

The surface of a tooth must be reshaped slightly so the veneer will fit. Then an impression is taken and sent to a trusted dental lab to create the veneers. When the veneers come back from the lab, they are first tried on the patient to make sure they fit perfectly and look just right. Finally, they are bonded to the front of the teeth. And our patient goes home with a more beautiful smile. 

It’s not necessary to live with a smile you wish you could hide. Let us help you have the smile you’ve always wanted.
Call us for an appointment.

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